The Sentinel's basic tools are CARA:
Trust, Attachment, Responsibility and Appreciation
by Saint Lucia
Mastering these tools in your daily life will give meaning and direction to every moment of your life. Having CARA means knowing and properly handling the precise elements with which you can be connected with your roots and all the ancestral past, without a doubt it is a source of trust, the first element to cultivate since the deeper your roots, the greater your confidence! Without trust we cannot live, nor be calm.
Second element is attachment, without attachment there is no connection with reality, our body is designed to perceive the complete circuit of our planet, the emanation of information is constant and we have the genetic memory to decode each aroma, sound, presence or interference , as well as the danger and feelings of yourself and others.
The third element is responsibility, our ability to respond, let's say the ability to correspond, to be consistent with reality depends on the honesty we exercise, our judgment, the knowledge derived from observation and intimate experience is our verification of carrying out actions in harmony with life avoiding lies or destruction.
The fourth element is admiration, it is an act of pleasant reaffirmation of the three elements, it leads us to continue discovering and fortifying our experiences like a creature that walks and then runs, and then jumps delighted to melt into movement or dance, ours is the expression Sincere to be aware of the universal symphony without judging the degree of skill, Even in the gradual and edifying multifaceted attempt, validates the process that amalgamates the sum of the four elements.
Read this important essay by Bertrand Russull related to this topic